Sulaiman R. KhanSulaiman Rashad Khan in Urdu

Daringly integrating Disability

Sulaiman in his power wheelchair in nature next to a tree.

Image Description: Sulaiman (a wholeheartedly Disabled AF, British Pakistani man with black buzz cut hair and wrists tattoos) in his power wheelchair (Permobile M5 Corpus) on The Treehouses of Lanrick's wheelchair-accessible balcony. He is amongst tremendous trees, Sulaiman’s non-human kin. A moss-covered tree grows through the deck. A forest of tender trees behind. Sulaiman wears a white t-shirt via his dearest friend Jen White-Johnson. A red and pink eye with a star shining in the pupil, represents our demand for radical healing and dreaming. Underneath, dark red text “Calling all radical resters” is in capital letters. Sulaiman has a huge smile, joyful for every radical breath he takes every single second of every day.

Hey, I’m Sulaiman R. Khan — سلیمان راشد خان [he/him/Disabled], currently based in London, UK!

This is my creative space for everything I currently do in the wonderful world of creativity and beyond. Here you’ll find out about the work I do, personal projects, events I’ve gone to and what I’ve been up to – in the creative industries and life – as well everything that ignites my soul, feeds my imagination, and gets my heart beating faster.

  • Multiple Award-Winning Disabled AF: Founder, Speaker, and Activist.
  • Adventurer and Continual Work-In-Progress.
  • A Disabled Oracle, The Anti-Ableist and Disability Liberation Maestro.
  • The radical, badass Disabled friend and lover you wish you had.

Sulaiman is pronounced Sool-lay-maan (like wool with an s, lai as in lay, and like Naan from your favourite Pakistani Tandoori seller with an m). And there’s “lie” in “lay” within Sulaiman, so the correct pronunciation is Sool-lay-maan.

There’s no “Sue” in Sulaiman.

Also, there’s no short form or nickname for Sulaiman. Like the term “funga”, our names are sacred words from our ancestors and descendants.

R. stands for guess what? Does the “R.” in my name stand for “Radical” or “Revolutionary”? Perhaps “Restful” or “Regenerative”? Or is it “Racy” or “Raunchy”? Or all of these? You have to use your imagination; I have infinite. 😏

Khan is pronounced Kaan (like Naan from your favourite Pakistani Tandoori seller with a k).

Onwards and Upwards.  

Learn More About Me


I’m the Founder and Chief Radical Officer of ThisAbility® Limited. I’m also the founder of various platforms that daringly integrate Disability. Because of my commitment to people and planet (including flora, fauna, and funga), I take this responsibility seriously, which aligns with my life’s goals and values. I trust my ancestors/descendant, Disability, the universe and fungi to guide me.

ThisAbility® Limited
Portrait of Sulaiman in a rainbow mesh jacket and shirt with pink flamingos.

Image Description: A smiling, joyful Sulaiman (wholeheartedly Disabled AF, British-Pakistani man with buzz cut black hair), sits in his power wheelchair for a portrait by the Brand By Me team. He wears a rainbow mesh jacket and black shirt with bright pink flamingos underneath. A yellow "Black Disabled Lives Matter" badge via his dear friend Jennifer White-Johnson. A pure silver chain pendant made by his late Nanaji (maternal grandfather) when Sulaiman was 15. It says “Raja Sulaiman” in Urdu after Nanaji's name for him. Sulaiman wears this pendant to remember and honour his late Nanaji, his ancestors, and descendants. Sulaiman understands (and respects) that he is the link from his ancestors to his descendants.


I’m a highly acclaimed, radical sought-after speaker. I speak about three main topics: regeneration beyond sustainability, design, and sex and relationships. All my speaking daringly integrates Disability, and all my speaking engagements are rooted in an accessible, joyful, and liberated praxis through interdependence and Revolutionary LOVE®.

Book in Typeform
Sulaiman gives a talk with a display screen.

Image Description: Sulaiman (wholeheartedly Disabled AF and British-Pakistani man with black hair) sits in his power wheelchair. He gives a talk on his computer with a display screen behind. Sulaiman wears his rainbow sequined kimono, dragon and floral print silk purple short-sleeved shirt, a silver pendant that says “Wild AF”, and his pink chino trousers.


From my first breath until my last breath, I’m a joyful activist. What is a joyful activist? An activist who centres joy as a form of resistance against the systems of oppression. For me, I know that grief and joy are connected. I understand there’s no right-way or binary to be an activist. We need everyone in our quest for collective liberation. The Slow Factory highlights it best. Onwards and Upwards.

Critical Cripship Studies Article
Sulaiman's badges. Red-blue rhinestone lightning bolt. Black Disabled Lives Matter.

Image Description: Closeup of Sulaiman wearing his kūfiyyah scarf with two badges. First, a David Bowie-inspired red and blue rhinestone lightning bolt from his dear friend Juliet. The second underneath is a circular yellow badge with black text that says “Black Disabled Lives Matter” via his dear friend Jennifer.

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Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.

— Nikki Giovanni

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