Ways to Support
Hey there! If my work, existence, or a simple exchange of energy has impacted you, ignited you or helped you in any way, there are lots of ways you can convey gratitude:
I accept financial offerings via PayPal — please select the “friends and family” option to avoid a fee.
For the creatives out there, I’ve been known to blub at the occasional poem that is kindly sent to me. Please reach out via the contact form.
Written Love Letters, Cards or Emails of Gratitude
I love reading letters of gratitude at the best of times. Yet, as a wholeheartedly Disabled AF, British-Pakistani man and notable figure, I can receive hate and ableism, so they genuinely replenish me. Measuring the impact of my work is also often difficult, so I love hearing from you. I cannot always reply, but I read every single note of gratitude I get. Please email digital letters through the contact form.
If your love language, like mine, is gifting, I would be happy to receive e-gifts. Or, if you prefer to send something physical, I am pleased to receive non-alcoholic and non-perishable gifts via post. Please simply reach out through the contact form for a forwarding address.